

Royal Asscher always strives to uphold the highest standards of corporate social responsibility. To this end, we were certified against the Responsible Jewellery Council’s 2013 Code of Practices (COP 2013), and we are working towards becoming re-certified against their new and updated 2019 Code of Practices (COP 2019) in October 2024. This entails an independent audit that aims at checking that the applicable provisions of the COP are respected by the company. To achieve certification, we adopted several policies that show our position on various topics, such as Corruption and Bribery, Money Laundering, Provenance Claims, Employment and Emergency Response. The overall commitment of the company to achieve the highest possible standards of human rights and environmental protection can be found in the Company Policy.



The Responsible Jewellery Council COP 2019 demands that companies abide by the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. This allows to create a network of companies working together towards a common goal: a transparent supply chain and sustainable sourcing practices. Royal Asscher is a downstream company, thus we carry out the process by asking our suppliers for their due diligence practices, review them and act accordingly. By acting in accordance with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance, Royal Asscher ensures that the diamonds in our supply chain do not come from areas considered High-Risk or Conflict-Affected, as our Supply Chain Policy proves.

A Grievance Mechanism exists in case any complaints by stakeholders exist. To file a complaint through the mechanism, please email to Mike Asscher, President to . Please title your email  "Supply Chain Grievance".